Meet Our Language Manager!

Way̓ x̌ast sx̌əlx̌aʕlt, isqilxʷ skʷist skʷəkʷusnt, iʔ səmaʔ isqʷist Michelle Joe. kn sqilxʷ, kn sukinaqin, kn tl iʔs təmxulaʔxʷ. kiʔ kn mut stqaʔtkʷɬniwt.

i stəmtimaʔ iʔ skʷists twi Katherine Louie naʔɬ ink̓ik̓iwaʔ iʔ skʷists twi Paul Coble.

inqaqnaʔ iʔ skʷists twi Susan Joe naʔɬ i sx̌ax̌paʔ iʔ skʷists twi Phillip Kruger.

Hello good day, I am Michelle Joe. I am Okanagan, I am from this land and a member of Westbank First Nation. My grandparents on my maternal side are the late Katherine Louie and the late Paul Coble and my grandparents on my paternal side are the late Susan Joe and the late Phillip Kruger.

I'm thrilled to introduce myself as the Manager of WFN’s newly established Language and Culture/Heritage Department. It's an honor to bring my passion for nqilxʷcn, the Okanagan Language, and our sqilxʷcawt, Okanagan ways to WFN. Some may recognize me from my many years in the Early Years Department, where I served as the Cultural Family Program Coordinator, sharing my knowledge, teachings, and love for families, language, and culture with the WFN community.


tmixʷ | tmxʷulaxʷ


Mountain Goat Rock