Our Services

Tours | Cultural Requests | Collection Requests

Tours with Sncewips

Dig activity, speetlum tour section, and vest  with beadwork by the syilx people.

Self-Guided Museum Tour

Enjoy Sncewips at your own pace! We are a living museum, meaning that the artifacts displayed and the cultural practices we share are actively utilized/practiced by our people today. Our knowledgeable staff are available to answer any questions that might come up.

No booking required.

Entry by Donation.

Guided Museum Tour

Our museum tour takes you through our space, providing an in-depth look at the syilx people and our community. The museum tour explores self-government, traditional tools and dwellings, family and community structures, cultural practices, storytelling, and more!

Pre-booking required. $15.00/person

Maximum Capacity: 30 People

WFN Community Core Pit Home/House. qwici

Community Core Tour

Our community core tour is a guided tour that takes place entirely outdoors, within our community core. During the tour our guide will teach you about the importance of community. If you’re lucky, our tour guide may even share a story or two inside the pit house!

Pre-booking required. $20.00/person

Maximum Capacity: 25 People

*for large-group rates (15 or more), please email museum@wfn.ca

On-the-Land Tours

This experience is intended to ignite a well rounded conversation about the significance of plant life and traditional uses of the land. This rare and informative opportunity takes place on local and well maintained walking trails. 

Land tours are conducted independent of the Sncewips Heritage Museum by Krystal Withakay.

To book a land tour check out her website https://spaxwawlm.com/home

Educating through a sqilxʷ perspective, fostering awareness of the syilx nation, and uplifting syilx voices

Cultural Requests & Consultation

The cultural requests form can be filled out by individuals or organizations seeking consultation or collaboration with Westbank First Nation, the Sncewips Heritage Museum, or the syilx people.

Through this process we connect you with the people you need to make your opening, event, or project a success! To learn more and submit a form online, please click the button below:

Collection Requests

Archaeological repository request forms and collections research request forms are available to applicable developers, organizations, and researchers. To request a form, to learn more about your eligibility, and to get in contact with our Collections Manager, please click the button below: