Cultural Requests | Collection Requests
Cultural Requests
We encourage you to submit this form if…
You are seeking participation from the syilx community
You would like to partner with Sncewips, WFN, or the syilx community on a project
You require cultural consultation as it relates to your project
Our people, expertise and time is valuable. If a project or service is agreed upon after processing a request, fair compensation is required and a small gift for the participant or speaker is customary.
*Requests are discussed on the first Thursday of every month. If your request is time sensitive, please email directly.
Collection Requests
To make a request for repository, and to receive the fillable Word document repository request form, fill out the form request at the bottom of this page. Our Collections Manager will then send you the fillable Word Document. We ask that the Word Document be submitted to and signed by our Collections Manager before you list Sncewips on your permit.
Sncewips Heritage Museum welcomes legitimate researchers to consult our museum collections; objects, archaeological repository, archives, and library during regular operating hours (subject to reasonable restrictions based on sensitivity, security, and confidentiality). Alternatively, Sncewips’ Collections Manager can conduct archival, library, artifactual, archaeological, and ethnographic research on behalf of the researcher. Sncewips Heritage Museum does not charge any fees for research conducted on the collections, but encourages donation.
Please note that researcher access to the collections is available by appointment only. Appointments must be made in advance with the Collections Manager, and will be supervised by the Collection Manager. At least two weeks advance notice is required, except under special circumstances since appointments are scheduled as staff time allows. A completed research request form must be submitted to and approved by the Collections Manager before research or consultation can take place.
Research interests and intentions must be stated during the appointment scheduling. Access to some materials may be restricted due to the item’s condition or other circumstances defined by staff.