There are five types of power that can be held in the workplace. When we work together, we can achieve great things!
Constructive Communication
Communication is so much more than words. It is important to be mindful of what we say and how we are saying it.
Conflict Styles with Sncewips
This month we're taking a look at the five styles of conflict management as highlighted in the Style Matters Kraybill Conflict Style Inventory!
New Year, Self-Love
It's a new year which means new habits (hopefully good ones)! For this months kindness initiative, we're focusing on self-love 💕
Mountain Goat Rock
If you’ve ever driven around Westbank, you might have noticed a large mountain goat shaped rock - this rock is more than it’s shape. It's a story.
“I” Statements | Lateral Kindness
Without kindness-informed communication, it can be difficult to convey what you feel without hurting those around you. That’s where “I” Statements come in!
What is Lateral Kindness?
Kindness is an important part of a healthy work environment. Being kind and being treated kindly is fundamental part of upholding safe spaces. But What is Lateral Kindness and Why is it Important?
What’s the Deal with Sncewips?
What are we all about? I’m so glad you asked.